Thursday, April 20, 2017

How to Setup Debugger in Golang with Visual Code

This configuration was implemented on OpenSuse 42.2,  Go1.8.1.linux-amd64, Visual Code, Git and Delve debugger

Install Go1.8.1.linux-amd64
1. Go can be installed by using YaST or you can download from here
2. Setting Environment with terminal
       export GOROOT=/home/addies/golang/go
       export GOPATH=$GOROOT/bin
       export GOBIN=$GOROOT/bin
       export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin

Test your installation by creating file hello.go and copy paste code below :

        package main

        import "fmt"

        func main() {
           fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")

In your project folder, compile by using
      cd /home/addies/golang/src/
      go build 

     hello, world

Install Visual Code
1. Install Visual Code
2. Install Go plugin in Visual Code by pressing Ctrl + Shift + X  and type lukehoban. After installed then restart your Visual Code to load the plugin

Install Delve Debugger
Open your terminal and Type command
       go get

Test installation by opening your hello folder project with visual code
1. Add break point by pressing F9

Pic 1. Add Breakpoint by pressing F9

2. Press Ctrl + Shift + D to enter debug mode
3. Press F5 to run in debug mode then visual code will stop at the break point

Please refer to picture as below for the debugging result:

Pic 2. Debugging result

You can Step Over with F10, Step Into with F11, Step Out with Shift + F11, Toggle Breakpoint with F9, Continue with F5 and add Watch variables.

That's it...

Thank you

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