Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Trying Game Engine rg3d 2D/3D Written in Rust

A game engine is a software framework primarily designed for the development of a video game 2D or 3D. Typically a game engine include a game loop or rendering engine. Game engine can usually be associated with programming language such as C++ and we can find the list here

In this occasion, I found a game engine made of Rust called rg3d and have tried the sample code. rg3d stands for Rust Game engine 3D and it is a general purpose 2D/3D engine, it allows creating any kind of 2D/3D game. This engine is suitable for any kind of games and using Rapier physics engine that written in Rust too. 

Let's see the example below

2d.rs --- implementing in 2D

terrain.rs --- terrain implementation

ui.rs  --- graphic user interface

simple.rs --- load character 3D

lod.rs  --- level of detail

I think this is a great starting for Rust in game engine and I hope Rust can be used like C++ in the future game development. Thank you


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